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jueves, 15 de junio de 2023

Tucker and the movie NETWORK

Tucker Carlson reminds me of the 1976 movie NETWORK.

The movie is about an anchorman who became too popular. The news executives deemed him a threat to the establishment, and decided to silence him. The movie won 4 Oscars. Please click on this link to watch its official trailer and a short clip: 1. https://youtu.be/1cSGvqQHpjs 2. https://youtu.be/35DSdw7dHjs

The movie was already saying, 47 years ago, that the United States (US) was not a democracy, but a plutocracy! Although the movie was nominated for 9 Oscars at the 49th Academy Awards, the majority of US citizens did nothing effective to get the oligarchs out of our government.

Today, the US is trying very hard to get the world into a nuclear war with the Russian Federation to make her oligarchs even richer. Already, 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens, while 38 million Americans are still living today in poverty!

The US is not what the “champion of democracy” is supposed to be, and that is why the world has named her the biggest threat to peace!

After Fox News fired Tucker, he decided to reach his vast followers on Twitter. His viewers on Twitter are many times more than what Fox News now gets without him.

Will Tucker’s viewers get mad as hell, and decide not to take it any longer?

The truth will help us find our own way!

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