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martes, 1 de febrero de 2022

US 1% needs a war badly

President and General Dwight D. Eisenhower, and General Smedley Butler warned United States (US) citizens about the capitalists’ interest in going to war, because of the huge profits that it generates for them. With the US Empire in decline, and the US close to another civil war, the US government (USG) is desperately trying to push Russia into a war to try to hold on to its hegemony. Click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/rtL6lrXltaA

The US’s ambassador to the United Nations said that Russian troops in their own homeland next to Ukraine is provocative. Yet, the USG doesn’t want to acknowledge that it is the one being provocative by surrounding Russia with US and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) military bases. The reason for the Russian mobilization there is the threat of putting yet another NATO military base close to her, but now in Ukraine.

How could the US be democratic, if her government is threatening to go to war with Russia because only 1% of her citizens want to?

If the 99% don’t want this war, organize now and put a stop to it.

A nuclear war is the last one for humanity. 

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