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jueves, 26 de enero de 2023

Oligarchs responsible for US’ collapse

United States (US) citizens are heading towards even more difficult times. Please click on the following link to understand how we have gotten to this point: https://youtu.be/KOZ6ccjWa9U

What does a war in Ukraine have to do with the US government representing 100% of her citizens? Nothing.

The US, with her so-called “democracy” and with a gross domestic product that is 4 trillion dollars more than China’s, still has 38 million of her own citizens living in poverty. China, on the other hand, accused by the US of being authoritative, has already lifted 700 million Chinese out of poverty. That is more than twice the entire population of the US! Where is the evidence that the US is the champion of democracy?

That war in Ukraine, however, has everything to do with the US governing for her oligarchs. That was exactly US Major General Smedley Butler’s thesis of his book WAR IS A RACKET. And that was similarly the same warning former US general and President Dwight David Eisenhower gave in his last address to the nation with regards to the Military Industrial Complex, and how that could compromise US democracy.

We must make the oligarchs pay for their treason! 

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