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viernes, 20 de enero de 2023

US “democracy” in Peru looks like this

United States (US) ‘democracy” does not benefit the 99% of the citizens. US does not stand for human Rights either. The US is governed for the oligarchs. The oligarchs want Peru’s resources exclusively for themselves. Thus far, the oligarchs have killed 48 Peruvians for protesting for democracy. Please click on the following link to see what the corporate media will not report: https://youtu.be/OjFy08J876I

The majority of the Peruvians want a new Constitution of, by and for the people. The coup government wants to keep everything the same for the oligarchs.

Where are the economic sanctions imposed on the government of Peru? Where is the United Nations condemnation on the government of Peru? Does the world care about real democracy?

The great homeland was what Pedro Castillo wanted to help create in Peru. That represented a complete revolution that the oligarchs feared!

Peruvians have the right to organize their government as they wish according to International Law. The US, however, believes that her “Rules Based Order” gives her the rights to unilaterally organize the world to suit her needs. That is why the world considers the US as the biggest threat to peace!

Peruvians are demanding the return of Pedro Castillo, the resignation of the Peruvian Parliaments, new parliamentary elections, and a new Peruvian Constitution.   

The US is the terrorist and the real jungle!

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