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viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2023

China stands for democracy

While the United States (US) gives Israel everything she can to commit war crimes against the Palestinians, the People’s Republic of China does everything she can to create democracy, defend human rights, and foster the respect for the rule of law. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/kCRR4e9FUQ0

It is important to mention the fact that China has already eradicated poverty at home, despite having 4 times the US’s population. The US, however, and although she proclaims to be the champion of democracy, still has 38 million Americans living in poverty, while 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens. Who, therefore, has proven to be the real champion of democracy by deeds?

The US only talks about democracy! 

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