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miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2023

US and Israel are pariah states

Israel has become a pariah state, after Hamas attacked it on October 7, 2023. That happened, because Israel decided to commit three war crimes on the Palestinian people for Hamas exercising its right, under international law, of using any means necessary to decolonize Palestine. Israel, on the contrary, has no right to defend itself under international law!

It is important to emphasize the Israel is an artificial colonial settler state in Palestine, and as such, it is already committing a crime against humanity as an occupier! Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/0KddBHHhYds

Israel has further compounded its criminal behavior by committing the war crimes of collective punishment, ethnic cleansing and genocide, with the full support of the United States (US)! So, instead of the US prosecuting Netanyahu for war crimes in a US court as required by the Geneva Convention, and, if there were really such a thing as a “Rules Based Order” (RBO), it decides to help him commit the crimes!

And why wouldn’t the US do that? The US has done the very same thing to Puerto Rico for the past 125 years. The US has ignored 42 United Nations resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. The US has engaged in its own ethnic cleansing, as two thirds of Puerto Ricans have left our national territory, and half of those remaining, live in poverty.

The global majority opposes the US, because it has repeatedly seen that the so-called “RBO” is whatever the US wants it be at any given time. Therefore, the “RBO” is an US illusion to try to maintain her hegemony. For that reason, the global majority has considered, for a long time, the US to be the biggest threat to peace.

Pariah states are never democracies!

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