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domingo, 4 de febrero de 2024

Criminals are governing the US

The United States (US is governed by criminals as an empire.

The latest example of that is the US’ unconditional support to the artificial colonial settler state of Israel for its genocidal campaign against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland.

The US is acting contrary to the provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in South Africa’s case against Israel. 90% of the ICJ judges believe that genocide is plausibly being committed. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/NXEMT-mnMKE

The US has no free press to support its so-called “democracy”. The US press is totally dedicated to the dissemination of lies to hide the government’s crimes. That is why the US wants to kill Julian Assange.  

How many US citizens know, for example, that Puerto Rico has been a US colony for the past 125 years? The US has ignored, to date, 42 United Nations resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. That is a crime against humanity under international law!

Barbarism can never make America great. Morality and humanity can!

A criminal government can’t be a democracy.

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