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miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013

Puerto Rico has the second highest percentage of her nation in the United States!


Click on the above link to read about a book about Pedro Albizu Campo’s involvement with Ireland’s independence from the United Kingdom.

This list reveals the top 20 Diasporas in the United States, and what percentages of each entire nation they represent.  The percentages are calculated based on the number of people of a particular national origin in the United States from the population of that country.  It is interesting to note that the country whose independence Pedro Albizu Campos actively supported, has the unbelievable amount of her people (90%) in the United States!

1.       Ireland 90%

2.       Puerto Rico 66%

3.       Norway 46%

4.       Germany 37%

5.       United Kingdom 34%

6.       Sweden 30%

7.       El Salvador 27%

8.       Mexico 23%

9.       Italy 23%

10.   Netherlands 21%

11.   Poland 20%

12.   Cuba 16%

13.   Dominican Republic 16%

14.   France 12%

15.   Canada 8%

16.   Philippine 4%

17.   Vietnam 2%

18.   Korea 2 %

19.   India .3%

20.   China .3%

In the case of Puerto Rico, it is obvious that if 66% of Puerto Ricans are living in the United States, the government of Puerto Rico has historically not done its job to create the conditions in Puerto Rico to keep them here.  The fact of the matter is that under a colonial relationship with the United States, the government of Puerto Rico does not have the power to govern Puerto Rico for the Puerto Ricans.  This, of course, is by design.

Join in 2 peaceful protests a year until Puerto Rico is decolonized via international law.  Decolonization is impossible through the United States since she was the one that unilaterally created this colonial relationship with Puerto Rico.  Therefore, these protests are indispensable, because those who practice colonialism don’t believe in justice for all!

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