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miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2017

Finding the main idea about PR colonialism

Loaiza Rivera asked, what will it take for Puerto Ricans to become unified? Puerto Ricans must find the main idea in our decolonization struggle.

As a teacher, I can tell you that this is not an easy skill to teach. Even under the best conditions, it takes time and practice to learn how to do that. 120 years of United States (US) colonialism has greatly hampered Puerto Ricans’ ability to learn it. The US government intentionally gives us the wrong information to maintain us colonized. So, for many Puerto Ricans, what they believe is a main idea is just a detail idea of it. Let’s examine the recent demonstration in Washington DC.

The purpose of the march was to repeal the Jones Act, so that the shipment of goods to and from Puerto Rico could be cheaper. That is not the main idea of our colonial problem. That is just one detail of many to the main idea. What is the main idea?

The main idea is that Puerto Rico is a colony of the United States, and that that is considered by the United Nations since 1960 to be a crime against humanity. If we all understood that, we would all be working together to make the US government comply with the 36 UN resolutions asking it to immediately give Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. But, like Loaiza said, we have a lot of work ahead of us. It is hard to break a 120-year-old habit that is being reinforced daily by the US government! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

Join us in our permanent protests to force the US government to comply with these resolutions, because we are convinced that we will need a category 5 hurricane of people to get this done. We believe this, because those to lie to enslave us don’t believe in LIBERTY AND IN JUSTICE FOR ALL! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1697349163904877/

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