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martes, 10 de octubre de 2023

Resistance Axis for Middle East decolonization

A resistance axis has been created by nations that want to decolonize the Middle East. This is in total contrast to the United States’ (US) proxy war against the Russian Federation in Ukraine in order to maintain US hegemony forever. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/3tXGcw2ORFE

The nations in the Middle East do not want to end up like the indigenous people of America at the hands of the European settlers.

Nor do they want to end up like the Puerto Ricans, where 2 thirds, or 6 million, have been displaced during 125 years of US colonialism. Half of the 3 million who have remained in Puerto Rico, live in poverty!

90% of us want democracy while 10% still want imperialism. 

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