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miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2023

US’ death wish

The United States (US) has a death wish, because she is constantly trying to humiliate the Russian Federation that possesses the most nuclear arsenal on Earth! Please click on the following link to understand the magnitude of this wish: https://youtu.be/Dljrpz_Avlg

Far from being a democracy, the US’ modus operandi is either you do it her way, or be destroyed. Look what happened to President Kennedy!

Most of the nations of the world want a cease fire in both the Ukraine and Israel wars. The US, however and undemocratically, stands practically alone in wanting to continue the hostilities until military victories are obtained. The US, therefore, sees democracy to mean that the winner takes it all. But, nothing would be left in a nuclear holocaust.

What good is US democracy if nobody is alive? 

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