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jueves, 11 de abril de 2024

US favors profit over purpose

The United States’ (US) economy is not oriented towards democracy. Please click on this link to understand the difference between a profit and a purpose oriented economy: https://youtu.be/dR3zM2dSwZ8

US secretary of the treasury recently visited the People’s Republic of China. Her purpose was to try to hamper China’s economy, because China is outperforming the US in its own capitalism.

US oligarchs are the ones who decide the government’s economic activity. In China and the Russian Federation, however, their governments are the ones that direct the economic activities according to their citizens’ needs.

That is how Russia has been able to militarily outperform the US and its allies, and how China has eliminated her poverty, despite having 4 times the US’ population!

The US, on the other hand, still has 38 million Americans living today in poverty, while 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens. Does that look like the US is the champion of democracy, or the champion of plutocracy?

US being a democracy is just an illusion! 

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