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viernes, 19 de abril de 2024

Where is "justice for all"?

The United States (US) boasts of being the champion of democracy, and its pledge of allegiance ends with …”and justice for all”? Even the United Nations (UN), the organization supposedly created to maintain world peace, is located in the US. Does the US really believe in “justice for all”?

Yesterday, the UN’s Security Council voted on admitting Palestine as a UN member state. The US was the only one of the 15 Security Council members that used its veto power to block Palestine’s admission to the UN. Where is the UN’s democracy? Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/9x7BJsNNF6g

It is important to mention that the US has been unconditionally supporting, for the past 6 months, the artificial colonial settler state of Israel’s genocidal campaign against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland. According to the UN’s Charter, all members must be peace loving. How did the US and Israel get in?

It is important to mention that the International Court of Justice deemed plausible that Israel is committing genocide, and ordered Israel to protect Palestinian civilians. The US, contrary to that order, has nevertheless continued to provide all of the means necessary for Israel to continue its genocide. That means that both the US and Israel are knowingly violating the Genocide Convention. They have shown themselves to be rouge states!  

And, it is also important to mention that the US has used its veto power to block several Gaza ceasefire resolutions. The US, therefore, wants war, and never peace.

While the People Republic of China has already eradicated her poverty at home, despite having 4 times the US’ population, and being the second biggest economy in the world after the US, the US still has 38 million Americans living in poverty. China’ justice for all is better than the US’!

And where is justice for the 3 million Puerto Ricans, who still live in our national territory that has been colonized and occupied by the US for that past 126 years? The US has consistently refused to comply with 42 UN’s resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.  

Unfortunately for democracy, “justice for all” is only for US oligarchs. That is why, instead of free university education and healthcare for all Americans, the US has 800 military bases all over the world. That is to steal other nations’ resources, and make US oligarchs even richer. Thus far, 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens. Meanwhile, the 99% of us, like George Floyd, gasp we can’t breathe!

Justice only for the 1%!

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