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domingo, 12 de mayo de 2024

Preaching democracy

Those nations that like to preach about democracy are the most vicious dictators. The United States (US) considers itself to be “the champion of democracy”, however, its history and actions are the opposite of it. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/L5ZqpjzGghI

Although 70% of US citizens want a state provided health care system for everyone, US oligarchs, who control the US government, prevent it.

Although 38 million US citizens live in poverty today, 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens.

Although the US government says that the People’s Republic of China is not a democracy, she has already eradicated her poverty, despite having 4 times the US’ population.

Although the US says that China is a dictatorship, 90% of Chinese are satisfied with their government. Paradoxically, only 33% of Americans are satisfied with our so-called “beacon of democracy”.

And, although the US says that it supports Taiwan’s inalienable right to self-determination and independence, it has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

Preaching democracy is cheap as imperialism means wealth for US oligarchs.    

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