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jueves, 16 de mayo de 2024

The pariah states of Israel, UK and US

The establishment of the artificial colonial settler state of Israel was only possible by the efforts of the imperialists’ United Kingdom (UK) and the artificial colonial settler state of the United States (US).

The UK, US and Israel should never have been permitted to become member states of the United Nations (UN), because they have never been “peace loving” in their entire histories! Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/7-pvEZogO_M

The global majority is presently being deprived of real democracy by the oligarchs of the US and its western allies. Most of the international organizations are US puppets that blindly support US imperialism. The global majority must therefore unite to democratize the world from imperialism.

87% of nations should leave the UN to the 13% imperialists’ regimes. They should then create an alternative new international peace organization that values democracy and the rule of law.

Zionists believe in genocide again!

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