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domingo, 19 de febrero de 2023

US against the rest

The United States (US) military budget is bigger than the next 9 biggest military combined. The US has 750 military bases around the world. 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens. And, the world considers the US the biggest threat to peace.

Although the US boasts of being the “champion of democracy and human rights”, 300,000 US citizens die every year from preventable causes. Moreover, 38 million US citizen still live in poverty, while the People’s Republic of China has lifted out of poverty 800 million of her citizens. That is 2 and a half times the entire population of the US!

The US, nevertheless, accuses China of being authoritative, although 90% of Chinese approve of their government. Contrary to Washington’s discourse, it is her own citizens who give her the failing grade of 40% approval!    

80% of the world does not go along with the US. Almost 100% of the nations of the world are in favor that the US stop her blockade of Cuba. And yet, the so-called “champion of democracy” refuses to comply with the will of the international community.

The US wants to continue with her imperialism now, tomorrow and forever. However, the new multipolar world that is emerging rapidly after the war in Ukraine will make that more and more difficult for the US.

The antiwar and anti-North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) rallies occurring around the world are important in order to stop the US from destroying the world via a nuclear war. It is, therefore, important that everybody who wants to stop the war in Ukraine and abolish NATO be included in the push for our new world order. If we don’t, we are, in effect, helping the US oligarchs to continue their imperialism forever. We don’t want to create a social club, we want to create a social change!

We can create justice for all only with intelligence.

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