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martes, 21 de febrero de 2023

War is still a US racket

As the United States (US) does all she can to get the world into a nuclear war with the Russian Federation, it is worth mentioning that in 1935 US Major General Smedley Butler wrote a book named WAR IS A RACKET. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/crf7A7x-qC8

Butler alerted the US government of the planning of a coup by oligarchs to overthrow President Franklyn D. Roosevelt in order to save capitalism. Although Butler provided all the information needed to arrest and prosecute those oligarchs involved, nothing ever happened to them. Although Butler was the most decorated general at the time of his retirement from the military, and many people said that Butler had saved US democracy, he never even received a metal for that. Obviously, the US government supported that coup, and there is still evidence of that today.

The evidence is that 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens, while 300,000 US citizens die needlessly every year of preventable causes. Moreover, 38 million US citizens today live in poverty, while the People’s Republic of China has already eliminated poverty, even though she has 4 times the population of the US! Therefore, oligarchs running the US government exclusively for their own interest is not a democracy. What do the people say?

90% (an “A”) of Chinese, a nation the US accuses of being authoritative, are satisfied with their government. Only 40% (an “F”) of US citizens, however, are satisfied with our government!

Oligarchy and democracy are mutually exclusive!

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