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viernes, 21 de julio de 2023

China from rags to riches

The People’s Republic of China has accomplished a revolutionary transformation that the world has never seen. Please click on the following link to see how China moved from agriculture in 1949 to the industrial powerhouse that she is today: https://youtu.be/BT7Th2aV0wM

The Chinese revolution understood that you can’t have socialism without industrialization. China also believed that socialism is better capable of developing the productive forces of a nation than capitalism.

It is important to mention that China’s industrialization and economic activity is carefully monitored by the government. The major means of production of goods and services are government owned. Over 90% of Chinese are satisfied with their government’s socialist market economy, while only 40% of United States citizens are satisfied with our government’s neoliberalism.

You can’t beat socialism for democracy! 

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