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domingo, 30 de julio de 2023

Why Boricuas leave?

Many Boricuas are oblivious to the fundamental reason why we leave our homeland. Please click on the following link to get an idea of what many Boricuas think: https://youtu.be/5zVSVh9AV0E

The core reason why Boricuas leave is because Boriken is a colony. Only a third of Puerto Ricans have remained, and of that 3 million, half live in poverty!

Many people, however, believe that Puerto Rico is a democracy. But if she were, the government would represent the needs of the Puerto Ricans. How could you then explain 6 million Boricuas leaving our beautiful homeland? They left, because the government of Puerto Rico represents exclusively the interest of the United States (US). And, the more Boricuas that the US can get out of Boriken, the sooner the US to have our beautiful island entirely for herself!

The US was forced to invent the lie that Puerto Rico is a democracy. After the nationalists’ insurrection of 1950, the US decided to create, in 1952, a so-called “Commonwealth of Puerto Rico”. In 1953, the US asked the United Nations (UN) to remove Puerto Rico from its list of colonies, because she had attained self-government. It did, and that’s why today Puerto Rico is not on the UN list.

Today, the UN understands that the US lied in 1953, and has issued a total of 42 resolutions asking her to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. The US has consistently refused, and thus, is willfully committing a crime against humanity! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

The solution, therefore, is for the 9 million Boricuas worldwide to engage in permanent resistance to force the US to comply with international law.

A free Boriken would get the 6 million who left to return home!

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