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jueves, 13 de julio de 2023

US authoritarianism to rescue capitalism

The United States (US) describes governments that she doesn’t like as authoritarian. In reality, the US best exemplifies authoritarianism in the worst way, because it is designed to punish the majority of her citizens. Please click on the following link for the complete story: https://youtu.be/w0c5Gfh2ZWY

Capitalism is at the opposite of democracy.

Democracy did not compel the US to militarily invade Puerto Rico 125 years ago to make her a colony. Nor does democracy impede the US from complying with 42 United Nations resolution asking her to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

The best form of authoritarianism is the democratization of the workplace, because then government would truly represent 100% of its citizens.

Democratizing the workplace guarantees the highest degree of real democracy.

Authoritarianism of by and for the people.

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