Declaración del XV encuentro de la Red de Intelectuales, Artistas y Movimientos Sociales en Defensa de la Humanidad.
En el cuarto aniversario de la siembra del comandante de los pueblos, Hugo Chávez, la Red de Intelectuales, Artistas y Movimientos Sociales en Defensa de la Humanidad expresa su solidaridad con el pueblo y el gobierno de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, y con el presidente constitucional de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, en momentos en que los patrocinadores de la guerra y el terrorismo mediáticos contra Venezuela, Cuba y los países del ALBA, intensifican, renovados, sus afanes injerencistas, desestabilizadores y golpistas como parte de la política imperial de “cambio de régimen” en los países considerados hostiles por la diplomacia de guerra de Washington.
Con las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación, sin que nos demos cuenta, millones de ciudadanos estamos siendo observados, espiados, controlados y fichados por Estados orwellianos que llevan a cabo una vigilancia clandestina masiva, en alianza con aparatos militares de seguridad y las corporaciones gigantes de la web. Pero, además, de manera paralela y complementaria, cuando se abre paso la era de la llamada “post verdad” (o el arte de la mentira flagrante), tiene lugar otra guerra en el espacio simbólico y en los ámbitos cultural e ideológico, que es librada por el cartel de los medios hegemónicos contra los pueblos de Nuestra América.
Ambos procesos son promovidos por Estados Unidos, sus cómplices europeos y el gobierno fascista de Israel, a través de un capitalismo criminal y militarizado. A últimas fechas, Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia y otros países de la región han sido los principales objetivos de un terrorismo mediático que, para imponer imaginarios colectivos con los contenidos y sentidos afines a la ideología dominante, utiliza además medios cibernéticos, audiovisuales y gráficos para manipular y controlar las conciencias de manera masiva.
Es previsible que las guerras irregulares y asimétricas, cobren nuevos bríos y se profundicen. Como es bien sabido, las guerras actuales se libran también en el campo mediático bajo la forma de conflictos irregulares. El Pentágono da una gran importancia a la lucha ideológica en el campo de la información y al papel de los medios de difusión masiva como arma estratégica y política y, además, como fuente de exorbitantes ganancias para los dueños de los oligopolios. Más allá de lo que ocurra en la realidad, la batalla por la narrativa, como la denominan los militares contrainsurgentes, es clave en la fabricación de una determinada percepción de la población y las audiencias mundiales.
Mientras impulsan una guerra de espectro completo en varios países de América Latina, el Pentágono y la Agencia Central de Inteligencia (CIA) intensifican sus acciones abiertas y clandestinas contra gobiernos constitucionales y legítimos. De manera continuada, los libretos del golpe de Estado de factura estadunidense en Venezuela exhiben sucesivas fases de intoxicación, desinformación y distorsión a través de los medios de difusión masiva bajo control monopólico. Esto se combina con medidas de coerción psicológica unilaterales y extraterritoriales y un vasto accionar sedicioso y violento, articuladas con redes digitales (de grandes corporaciones en la web), partidos políticos y dirigentes de la derecha internacional, ONG’s, fundaciones, sectas confesionales, el crimen organizado y paramilitares, poderes fácticos y grupos económicos transnacionales, y la injerencia de organismos regionales como la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA). En suma: los medios convertidos en armas de guerra ideológica.
La intensificación del belicismo e intervencionismo contra la Revolución Bolivariana y otros países del ALBA, ahora con el mayor presupuesto militar de la historia, responde a las directivas del Pentágono sobre enemigos asimétricos y guerras no convencionales, irregulares o de cuarta generación, que no se circunscriben a las reglas establecidas por los códigos internacionales y evaden las restricciones fronterizas de los Estados, incluso mediante el uso de grupos paramilitares, escuadrones de la muerte y organizaciones mercenarias que operan bajo la fachada de compañías privadas de seguridad.
La “dominación de espectro completo” abarca una política en la que lo militar, lo económico, lo mediático y lo cultural tienen objetivos comunes. Dado que el espectro es geográfico, espacial, social y cultural, para imponer la dominación se necesita manufacturar el consentimiento; instalar en la llamada sociedad civil determinados símbolos y sentidos “comunes”, que de tanto repetirse se incorporan al imaginario colectivo de manera acrítica e introducen, como única, la visión del mundo del poder hegemónico. Eso implica la formación y manipulación de una “opinión pública” legitimadora del modelo de dominación imperial.
A través de un intenso asedio mediático internacional, en la fabricación del consenso se manejan dobles estándares y se hace una presentación simplista y maniquea de la realidad: se eliminan las causas, el contexto, la memoria y la historia de la lucha del pueblo venezolano por la justicia y la soberanía nacional. Para la manipulación de las emociones de la población resultan clave los significados, las interpretaciones, las imágenes y la narrativa de los medios masivos, con sus mitos, medias verdades, mentiras y tergiversaciones.
A su vez, la construcción social del miedo, a través del terrorismo mediático para el control de la sociedad, descansa sobre un sistema de adoctrinamiento, cuyo fin es colonizar el pensamiento, impuesto con matrices de opinión dirigidas contra un enemigo a estigmatizar y un proceso a desestabilizar y sumir en el caos.
Con base en la distorsión de los parámetros de la ética periodística, mediante la fabricación de “noticias” –haciendo aparecer mentiras como verdades− se logra generar grandes campañas de excitación mediática y un clima de desestabilización psicológica facciosa, a la vez que fomentar un odio clasista y racista, a través de una guerra económica que atiza el enojo de sectores medios de la población con el acaparamiento y la escasez inducida de productos de primera necesidad, en particular, alimentos y medicamentos, y sabotajes contra la electricidad, a los que se adicionan rumores sobre la contaminación del agua.
Las poblaciones de los países del ALBA y, en particular, las de Venezuela, Ecuador y Bolivia han sido el blanco de constantes campañas de intoxicación desinformativa a través de mensajes e imágenes destinadas a despojarlas de todo referente político e ideológico que no responda a la lógica del imperio. A su vez, desde el triunfo de la revolución en 1959, Cuba ha sido el objetivo a desestabilizar por distintos experimentos comunicacionales que incluye desde las manipulaciones de las agencias AP y UPI en la invasión a Playa Girón y radio y televisión Martí en la época de Reagan y Bush padre, hasta la red de comunicación horizontal vía Internet, ilegal y secreta, denominada ZunZuneo, inscrita en los parámetros de la guerra no convencional, en su variable de guerra cibernética.
Como se ha señalado en el marco del XV Encuentro de la Red en Defensa de la Humanidad titulado “Comunicación emancipatoria o patrias colonizadas”, en ese avasallamiento del sentido y de los valores que fundan la cultura de los pueblos de Nuestra América, “el principal objetivo (de Estados Unidos) es aniquilar la esperanza de un camino alternativo a la dictadura del capital y a su consabida destrucción de la vida y del planeta”.
De allí que procesos revolucionarios como el cubano, el venezolano, el boliviano, el ecuatoriano, sean sometidos a encarnizadas e inmorales campañas propagandísticas con apoyo de cadáveres políticos de la derecha, como Felipe Calderón, Álvaro Uribe y Mariana Aylwin, y sus intelectuales orgánicos Mario Vargas Llosa, Jorge G. Castañeda y Enrique Krauze, ahora con apoyo del secretario general de la OEA, Luis Almagro, dirigidas no sólo a desprestigiar los modelos políticos y a sus líderes, sino también a la desestructuración de esas sociedades y sus bases económicas.
Ante esos embates de la derecha ultrarreaccionaria y sus patrocinadores en Washington, integrantes de la Red en Defensa de la Humanidad nos hemos reunido en Caracas para debatir de manera libre y horizontal acerca de la necesidad de desarrollar nuevos medios creativos, con nuevos contenidos semánticos y renovadas formas para transmitirlos, con la finalidad de romper el cerco mediático desinformativo que intenta asfixiar el espíritu revolucionario y la voluntad de profundizar el cambio radical, contrahegemónico, que tiene lugar en dichas sociedades.
Nuestra Red promueve la transparencia de los Estados, la protección de los datos personales de los ciudadanos/as y destaca la importancia clave de la soberanía digital. Reconocemos a quienes han revelado los secretos del imperio e informado sobre la magnitud del espionaje global.
La publicación y democratización de la información es determinante para la soberanía de los pueblos por lo que nos pronunciamos por un sistema de protección de informantes y abogamos por la liberación de Julian Assange, director de Wikileaks, y el cese de la persecución a Edward Snowden.
Condenamos la ocupación del territorio de Haití por la MINUSTAH, silenciada por los medios, como una ofensiva imperialista contra nuestros pueblos. Exigimos que se respete el derecho a la autodeterminación del pueblo haitiano y se inicien procesos adecuados de reparación y justicia; en particular, por el crimen de la introducción del cólera. Asimismo, apoyamos el justo reclamo de reparaciones por el genocidio de la esclavitud en América.
Apoyamos al pueblo de México ante la propuesta de continuar la construcción del muro en la frontera sur y criminalizar a mexicanos y otros migrantes de Nuestra América, como el chivo expiatorio del nuevo gobierno republicano.
Emplazamos al gobierno de Estados Unidos a que desclasifique toda la información de las guerras mediáticas contra gobiernos y procesos revolucionaros de Nuestra América, como la que tiene lugar contra Venezuela. Exigimos la derogación de la Orden Ejecutiva que declara a Venezuela como una amenaza inusual y extraordinaria para la seguridad de Estados Unidos. Asimismo, rechazamos las infamantes y falsas acusaciones contra el Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de Venezuela, Tareck El Aissami.
En suma, se trata de producir una real y participativa comunicación emancipatoria, a partir de una iniciativa que, para que sea fecunda, deberá traducirse en una estrategia local, continental y planetaria, que mediante la suma de esfuerzos, talentos y capacidades creativas haga prevalecer la razón revolucionaria de los pueblos del Sur contra la dictadura mediática del capital.
Caracas, República Bolivariana de Venezuela, 7 de marzo de 2017.
Statement of the 15th Meeting of the Network In Defense of Humanity
With the new technologies of information and communication, without us even realizing it, millions of citizens are being watched, spied on, controlled, and their information filed by States that are carrying out a massive clandestine surveillance. This campaign is taking place in alliance with military security apparatuses and giant corporations of the web. In a parallel and complementary way while this new era of the “post truth” (or the art of the blatant lie) is falling into place another war is happening in the fields of ideology and culture. All of this is being waged by the network of the hegemonic media against our people in the Americas.
Both of these processes are being promoted by the United States, their European accomplices and the Fascist Government of Israel, through an increasingly criminal and militarized form of capitalism. Lately, Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia and other countries in the region, have been the main target of media terrorism by imposing collective imaginaries with content related to the dominant ideology. This is being done through media cybernetics, both audiovisual and graphic, to manipulate and control conscience in a massive way.
It is foreseeable that the irregular and asymmetrical wars will strengthen and deepen. As it is well known the current wars have also been waged in the media field under the form of irregular conflicts. The Pentagon gives great importance to the ideological struggle in the field of information and the role of the media as a political and strategic weapon. This has also developed into a source of exorbitant profits for the owners of corporations. Beyond what happens in reality, the battle for control of the narrative, as they call it, military counterinsurgency is essential in creating a certain perception for the consumption of global audiences.
While promoting full spectrum wars in several countries of Latin America, the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) are intensifying their open and clandestine actions against constitutional and legitimate governments. In an ongoing way the scripts for the coup d’état made in the U.S. for Venezuela exhibits successive stages of intoxication, misinformation and distortion through the mass media under monopoly control. This is combined with unilateral and extraterritorial measures of psychological coercion and seditious and violent actions articulated in the digital networks of large corporations on the web, political parties and leaders of the international right. NGO's, foundations, religious cults, organized crime and paramilitary groups, and transnational economic groups are all being utilized. An appearance of legitimacy by regional bodies such as the Organization of American States (OAS) also plays a part in the scheme. In short, these are various levels of the media turned into weapons of psychological war.
The intensification of militarism and interventionism against the Bolivarian revolution and other countries of ALBA is coming from the directives of the Pentagon that is now operating with the largest military budget in history. This is not conventional war but one about asymmetric enemies which are not limited to the rules of international and national laws and utilizes the use of paramilitary groups, death squads and mercenary organizations operating under the facade of private security companies.
This "full spectrum of domination" covers a policy in which the military has a common objective with the economic, media and cultural spheres. Since the spectrum is geographical, spatial, social and cultural, to impose the domination, it is necessary to manufacture consent by installing certain symbols into the so-called civil society and after repeating it over and over gets turned into “common sense”. It is incorporated into the collective imagination in an uncritical manner and introduced as a unique vision of the world from the point of view of the hegemonic power. That means the formation through manipulation that legitimizes 'public opinion' into the model of imperial domination.
Through an intense international media siege, in the fabrication of consent, they use double standards and simplistic and false presentations of reality. They remove the root causes, the context, the memory and the history of the struggle of the Venezuelan people for justice and their national sovereignty. The key for them is manipulation of the emotions of the population through the narrative of mass media, with its myths, half-truths and outright lies.
At the same time the social construction of fear, through media terrorism for the control of the society, rests in a system of indoctrination, aimed at colonizing. This appears in an array of opinion directed against their enemy to stigmatize and set into motion a process of destabilization to plunge the society into chaos.
Based on the distortion of the parameters of journalistic ethics, through the manufacture of "breaking news", (or turning lies into truths) the psychological destabilization carries with it a bias to foster classism and racial hatred. The campaign includes economic warfare that plays into the anger of the middle sectors of the population through hoarding and created shortages of basic needs including food and medicines, sabotage of electricity and spreading rumors of water contamination.
The populations of the ALBA countries and, in particular, those of Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia have been the target of constant campaigns of toxic disinformation through messages and images intended to strip them of all political and ideological reference which do not respond to the logic of the Empire. At the same time, since the triumph of the revolution in 1959, Cuba has been the target of destabilization by different communication experiments ranging from the manipulations of AP and UPI news agencies during the invasion of the Bay of Pigs, the creation of Radio and TV Martí in the era of Reagan and Bush’s father, up to the more recent horizontal communications, via Internet, illegal and a secret communication network known as ZunZuneo, entered into the parameters of unconventional cyber warfare.
As noted in the framework of the 15th Meeting of the Network In Defense of Humanity entitled “Emancipatory Communication or Colonized Homelands", the subjugation of the sense and values that founded the culture of the people of Our America, the main objective, "from the United States is to annihilate any hope of an alternative road to the dictatorship of capital and the continuation of their usual path of destruction of life and the planet".
That is why revolutionary processes like the Cuban, the Venezuelan, the Bolivian, and the Ecuadorian models are subject to fierce and immoral campaigns of propaganda with the support of the political corpses of the right, such as Felipe Calderon, Alvaro Uribe and Mariana Aylwin, along with their organic intellectuals Mario Vargas Llosa, Jorge G. Castañeda and Enrique Krauze. And now they are operating with the full support of the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, who has been directed to not only discredit the progressive political models and their leaders, but also to call for the destruction of these societies and their economic base.
It is in the face of the ravages of the ultra-reactionary right and its sponsors in Washington, members of the Network In Defense of Humanity have gathered in Caracas to discuss in a free manner the need to develop new creative media, with new semantic content and new ways to transmit them. This is imperative in order to break the siege of media disinformation trying to stifle the revolutionary spirit and willingness of these countries to continue to pursue radical changes in their societies.
Our network promotes transparency of States, the protection of the personal data of citizens and stresses the key importance of digital sovereignty. We recognize the contribution of those who have revealed the secrets of the Empire and informed us all about the magnitude of global espionage.
The publication and democratization of information is crucial for the sovereignty of the peoples. That is why we support a system of protection for informants and are in favor of the liberation of Wikileaks Director Julian Assange and the end to the persecution of Edward Snowden.
We condemn the occupation of the territory of Haiti by MINUSTAH, as an imperialist offensive against our people that the corporate media is silent about. We demand that the right of self-determination for the Haitian people be respected and that appropriate processes be initiated towards reparations and justice; in particular for the crime of the introduction of cholera virus. We also support the just claim of reparations for the genocide of slavery in the Americas.
We support the people of Mexico against the proposal to greatly expand the construction of the wall on the Southern border of the United States that further criminalizes Mexican and other migrants in Our America as the scapegoat of the new Republican government.
We challenge the United States Government to declassify all information of the media wars against governments and revolutionary processes of Our America, like the one that is currently taking place against Venezuela. We demand the abolition of the Executive Order which declares Venezuela as an unusual and extraordinary threat to the security of the United States. We also reject the offensive and false accusations against the Executive Vice-President of Venezuela, Tareck El Aissami.
In short, it is all about producing a real participatory and emancipatory system of communication as an initiative which, for being fruitful, must come from a local, continental and global strategy. It will take our sum efforts, talents and creative abilities to make prevail the revolutionary reasoning of the peoples from the South against the capital media dictatorship.
Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, March 7, 2017.
Both of these processes are being promoted by the United States, their European accomplices and the Fascist Government of Israel, through an increasingly criminal and militarized form of capitalism. Lately, Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia and other countries in the region, have been the main target of media terrorism by imposing collective imaginaries with content related to the dominant ideology. This is being done through media cybernetics, both audiovisual and graphic, to manipulate and control conscience in a massive way.
It is foreseeable that the irregular and asymmetrical wars will strengthen and deepen. As it is well known the current wars have also been waged in the media field under the form of irregular conflicts. The Pentagon gives great importance to the ideological struggle in the field of information and the role of the media as a political and strategic weapon. This has also developed into a source of exorbitant profits for the owners of corporations. Beyond what happens in reality, the battle for control of the narrative, as they call it, military counterinsurgency is essential in creating a certain perception for the consumption of global audiences.
While promoting full spectrum wars in several countries of Latin America, the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) are intensifying their open and clandestine actions against constitutional and legitimate governments. In an ongoing way the scripts for the coup d’état made in the U.S. for Venezuela exhibits successive stages of intoxication, misinformation and distortion through the mass media under monopoly control. This is combined with unilateral and extraterritorial measures of psychological coercion and seditious and violent actions articulated in the digital networks of large corporations on the web, political parties and leaders of the international right. NGO's, foundations, religious cults, organized crime and paramilitary groups, and transnational economic groups are all being utilized. An appearance of legitimacy by regional bodies such as the Organization of American States (OAS) also plays a part in the scheme. In short, these are various levels of the media turned into weapons of psychological war.
The intensification of militarism and interventionism against the Bolivarian revolution and other countries of ALBA is coming from the directives of the Pentagon that is now operating with the largest military budget in history. This is not conventional war but one about asymmetric enemies which are not limited to the rules of international and national laws and utilizes the use of paramilitary groups, death squads and mercenary organizations operating under the facade of private security companies.
This "full spectrum of domination" covers a policy in which the military has a common objective with the economic, media and cultural spheres. Since the spectrum is geographical, spatial, social and cultural, to impose the domination, it is necessary to manufacture consent by installing certain symbols into the so-called civil society and after repeating it over and over gets turned into “common sense”. It is incorporated into the collective imagination in an uncritical manner and introduced as a unique vision of the world from the point of view of the hegemonic power. That means the formation through manipulation that legitimizes 'public opinion' into the model of imperial domination.
Through an intense international media siege, in the fabrication of consent, they use double standards and simplistic and false presentations of reality. They remove the root causes, the context, the memory and the history of the struggle of the Venezuelan people for justice and their national sovereignty. The key for them is manipulation of the emotions of the population through the narrative of mass media, with its myths, half-truths and outright lies.
At the same time the social construction of fear, through media terrorism for the control of the society, rests in a system of indoctrination, aimed at colonizing. This appears in an array of opinion directed against their enemy to stigmatize and set into motion a process of destabilization to plunge the society into chaos.
Based on the distortion of the parameters of journalistic ethics, through the manufacture of "breaking news", (or turning lies into truths) the psychological destabilization carries with it a bias to foster classism and racial hatred. The campaign includes economic warfare that plays into the anger of the middle sectors of the population through hoarding and created shortages of basic needs including food and medicines, sabotage of electricity and spreading rumors of water contamination.
The populations of the ALBA countries and, in particular, those of Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia have been the target of constant campaigns of toxic disinformation through messages and images intended to strip them of all political and ideological reference which do not respond to the logic of the Empire. At the same time, since the triumph of the revolution in 1959, Cuba has been the target of destabilization by different communication experiments ranging from the manipulations of AP and UPI news agencies during the invasion of the Bay of Pigs, the creation of Radio and TV Martí in the era of Reagan and Bush’s father, up to the more recent horizontal communications, via Internet, illegal and a secret communication network known as ZunZuneo, entered into the parameters of unconventional cyber warfare.
As noted in the framework of the 15th Meeting of the Network In Defense of Humanity entitled “Emancipatory Communication or Colonized Homelands", the subjugation of the sense and values that founded the culture of the people of Our America, the main objective, "from the United States is to annihilate any hope of an alternative road to the dictatorship of capital and the continuation of their usual path of destruction of life and the planet".
That is why revolutionary processes like the Cuban, the Venezuelan, the Bolivian, and the Ecuadorian models are subject to fierce and immoral campaigns of propaganda with the support of the political corpses of the right, such as Felipe Calderon, Alvaro Uribe and Mariana Aylwin, along with their organic intellectuals Mario Vargas Llosa, Jorge G. Castañeda and Enrique Krauze. And now they are operating with the full support of the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, who has been directed to not only discredit the progressive political models and their leaders, but also to call for the destruction of these societies and their economic base.
It is in the face of the ravages of the ultra-reactionary right and its sponsors in Washington, members of the Network In Defense of Humanity have gathered in Caracas to discuss in a free manner the need to develop new creative media, with new semantic content and new ways to transmit them. This is imperative in order to break the siege of media disinformation trying to stifle the revolutionary spirit and willingness of these countries to continue to pursue radical changes in their societies.
Our network promotes transparency of States, the protection of the personal data of citizens and stresses the key importance of digital sovereignty. We recognize the contribution of those who have revealed the secrets of the Empire and informed us all about the magnitude of global espionage.
The publication and democratization of information is crucial for the sovereignty of the peoples. That is why we support a system of protection for informants and are in favor of the liberation of Wikileaks Director Julian Assange and the end to the persecution of Edward Snowden.
We condemn the occupation of the territory of Haiti by MINUSTAH, as an imperialist offensive against our people that the corporate media is silent about. We demand that the right of self-determination for the Haitian people be respected and that appropriate processes be initiated towards reparations and justice; in particular for the crime of the introduction of cholera virus. We also support the just claim of reparations for the genocide of slavery in the Americas.
We support the people of Mexico against the proposal to greatly expand the construction of the wall on the Southern border of the United States that further criminalizes Mexican and other migrants in Our America as the scapegoat of the new Republican government.
We challenge the United States Government to declassify all information of the media wars against governments and revolutionary processes of Our America, like the one that is currently taking place against Venezuela. We demand the abolition of the Executive Order which declares Venezuela as an unusual and extraordinary threat to the security of the United States. We also reject the offensive and false accusations against the Executive Vice-President of Venezuela, Tareck El Aissami.
In short, it is all about producing a real participatory and emancipatory system of communication as an initiative which, for being fruitful, must come from a local, continental and global strategy. It will take our sum efforts, talents and creative abilities to make prevail the revolutionary reasoning of the peoples from the South against the capital media dictatorship.
Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, March 7, 2017.
Labels: Network in Defense of Humanity
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